Purpose: After years of working with hundreds of organizations and projects, forming collaborations (such as Integrated Project Deliveries and Strategic Alliances), analyzing successes and failures, working with contractors and owners, and helping fix failing ventures, we can conclude that highly collaborative construction, have a very high likelihood (90% or greater) of meeting the “gold standard” of project delivery:
- On Time
- On Budget
- 100% Safety
- 0% Litigation or Grievances
It is our aim to shift the construction industry from the adversarial and transactional models currently in place that have caused porror perforncance, poor prductivity, and general malaise in the industry to a collaborative model that works -- a bold new future for our industry, our province, and our country.
The biggest winners will companies that create value, not those transact or exchange value. Companies that engage adversarially with suppliers, customers, and employees will be either obsolete or severely disadvantaged in the construction industry.
We intend to provide the critical Thought Leadership, Mindsets, Design Architectures, Skillsets, Empirical Research, and Capability Building to enable leaders to transform their organizations and take front-stage in the competitive landscape.
Value Created: After years of research, field testing, and development, we have found that collaborative construction have a 25-30% competitive advantage over adversarial and transactional methods of building. (see Future Path of Mega Project Delivery to read the overwhelming evidence of this important conclusion, or see Executive Summary)
We expect to translate this competitive advantage into 25-30% increases in innovation, productivity, revenues, and profits in the typical company that uses our methods.