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Collaborative  Construction Institute for Leadership & Innovation

Building a Construction World You Can Trust

Please Note: This is a Temporary Website while we develop our Business Plan and High Quality Website

Collaborative Construction INSTITUTE

The information on this site is provided during our early stage planning and development process for our partners, advisors, and
 affiliates to aid in a rapid evolution of our thinking. All information provided here is subject to change during the planning process.

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April 12, 2015

A dedicated team, led by noted thought leaders
 George Jergeas, Robert Porter Lynch and others
is beginning the process of forming the
 Collaborative Construction Institute for Leadership & Innovation.

The formation of CCI is the result of years of analysis, design, development and field testing of a the best practices in construction. We have consistently found that collaborative construction outperforms other less productive methods. Our approach holds the potential to shift the fundamental way construction is conducted, and produces results for this century.

Tax Status, Donations,

We will be organizing as a
Learning Institution. 


We will partner with other entities, such as construction firms, owners, A&E/EPCs, and industry associations to provide expertise.



WHY Calgary, Alberta

Purpose: After years of working with hundreds of organizations and projects, forming collaborations (such as Integrated Project Deliveries and Strategic Alliances), analyzing successes and failures, working with contractors and owners, and helping fix failing ventures, we can conclude that highly collaborative  construction, have a very high likelihood (90% or greater) of meeting the “gold standard” of project delivery:

  • On Time
  • On Budget
  • 100% Safety
  • 0% Litigation or Grievances

 It is our aim to shift the construction industry from the adversarial and transactional models currently in place that have caused porror perforncance, poor prductivity, and general malaise in the industry to a collaborative model that works -- a bold new future for our industry, our province, and our country.

The biggest winners will companies that create value, not those transact or exchange value. Companies that engage adversarially with suppliers, customers, and   employees will be either obsolete or severely disadvantaged in the construction industry.

We intend to provide the critical Thought Leadership, Mindsets, Design Architectures, Skillsets, Empirical Research, and Capability Building to enable leaders to transform their organizations and take front-stage in the competitive landscape.

Value Created: After years of research, field testing, and development, we have found that collaborative construction have a 25-30% competitive advantage over adversarial and transactional methods of building. (see Future Path of Mega Project Delivery to read the overwhelming evidence of this important conclusion, or see Executive Summary)

We expect to translate this competitive advantage into 25-30% increases in innovation, productivity, revenues, and profits in the typical company that uses our methods.

Alberta has one of the highest concentrations of new construction in North America.

It is also where there is some of the most diverse construction, including massive Mega Projects in the oil sands, infrastructure, commercial, and residential construction.

Alberta has one of the highest concentrations of new construction in North America.

It is also where there is some of the most diverse construction, including massive Mega Projects in the oil sands, infrastructure, commercial, and residential construction.

Labour shortages are also extremely intense in Alberta, making productivity a core industry issue.

Alberta is also recognized world-wide as a region where people are very open to new ideas and where collaboration, partnering, and teamwork are highly treasured as part of our culture.

A Place for Collaborative Thought Leaders and Business Leaders to Join Forces

The Naples Institute will be a focal point for those who have pioneered in collaborative systems to develop and transfer capabilities, expand their reach, provide empirical “real- world” data, and shift the thinking of corporate leaders to produce extra-ordinary results. Our activity will include the realms:

  • Collaborative Innovation
  • Collaborative Leadership
  • Collaborative Entrepreneurship
  • Collaborative Supply Chain Management
  • Collaborative Lean Management
  • Collaborative Construction Management
  • Collaborative Negotiations
  • Collaborative Contracting
  • Collaborative Business Engagement Strategies
  • Economics & Metrics of Collaboration
  • High Performance Teamwork
  • Organizational Trust Building
  • Designing Game-Changing Breakthroughs
  • Organizational Transformation
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Managing Value Networks & Eco-Systems
  • Investing in Companies with Collaborative Advantage


How the  Collaborative Construction Institute  came into being

This evolution began with the creation of a now-globally preeminent system for creating strategic alliances, which then enabled a powerful architecture of collaborative innovation, underpinned by a fundamental breakthrough in trust building & high performance teamwork. The next stage was to develop an economic model for collaboration, and finally a leadership framework to engage and operationalize the collaborative systems architecture.After years of empirical field research, pilot project analysis, refinement in real-world operational implementations, and building capabilities with over 40,000 senior executives and managers, we are now committed to coalescing a team of senior executives, thought leaders, and “pracademics” together in Naples Florida to empower like-minded business leaders to:

  • Build a Business World You Can Trust, while at the same time
  • Producing Significantly Superior Competitive Advantage.

George Jergeas

or Robert Porter Lynch
Cell: 401-640-1166

Too many construction projects in recent years have fallen victim to:

  • failing to meet their delivery objectives (schedule, budget, safety);
  • failing to work together as team;
  • failing to resolve problems adroitly;
  • failing to align the interests of the owners, designers, contractors, trades, and suppliers as an aligned enterprise;
  • failing to understand the massive risk that adversarial relations creates in projects;
  • failing to utilized the key factors for success of high performance teams and strategic alliances;
  • experiencing high failure rates with hopefully collaborative approaches like Integrated Project Delivery and Lean Construction; ways to work together,
  • becoming overly reliant on technical innovations, while  not implementing new organizational innovations effectively
  • believing in the over-use lawyers, litigation, and arm-wrestling techniques to battle members of the project that should be treated as allies and partners;

These problems  cannot be solved with piece-meal, patch-work fixes -- they require a systematic holistic approach. And as projects become larger and more complex, the problems are magnified enormously,  In oil sands Mega Projects, nearly every project is behind schedule and over budget, at an “all in” cost of nearly $1 million per hour. 

The Collaborative Construction Institute’s aim is to cure the failings noted above in the construction industry in general, and to address directly the malaise in the Mega Projects sector.

Ultimately, we believe Canada can and should become the leader world-wide in Collaborative Construction, and will reverse the trend of declining productivity in the industry.

Recognized for their insights...

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We will transfer our Best Practice Capability Building to your company’s leadership team.  

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1 (239) 537-6441  or  1-(401) 640-1166 (cell)

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